“Here come the girls”
OK, for those of you that don’t know… Caister Soul Weekender is where a few thousand of us migrate to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk twice a year, every year. Some of us have been doing this for a good many years… me… 32 give or take a few misses (Yes.. I know.. I don’t look old enough!!) cough cough.
It’s the biggest, longest running Soul Weekender that I know of… and it’s become a huge part of my life. I was going to give it a miss this time.. I was meant to be going to a Wedding in Malta in a few weeks but it all went pear shape and now I’m not.
I still said I would give Caister a miss though… obviously having a bad day???.. But as the weekender has drawn nearer and nearer.. I knew I wouldn’t be able to bare to miss out on the fun with the “crazy gang”…
It’s the one time where most of us brunettes & blondes ALL get together… M’Lady.. Anne.. leaves her country Manor for the weekend, Our lovely Sara, The Roman, One Shoe Susan, my gorgeous brunette sister Amanda and even Martine (almost as mad as the Roman) is coming. My lovely Cup Cake Sarah and the GAWJUSS Anthony will be there (yes.. he’s classed as an honourary girly and damn he can dance!!! )… it’s great … there are so many lovely lovely people that we see year after year… some call us “The Family”.
One absence this year will be my beautiful wonderful Dolly… he’s my roomy.. he’s my diamond.. from the minute we get together, we laugh.. he takes photo’s of everyone and everything… no matter what time of day or night it is.. and what STATE your appearance is at… I love him madly and will miss him crazy.. he’s my sunshine friend.. but this year he has much more important things to do.. he’s involved hugely in Charity projects.. and this is another reason why I love him.. he give so much… nevertheless… I will feel his absence as I’m sure many others will too… all us girls for sure.
The Weekends Preparations seem to be in full swing…. For every one else… for me… well.. this year, I’m trying different tactics…
Normally I pack 3/4/5 days in advance… but it has been impossible for me to do that.. I’ve been on the go non stop.. NOT that I’m complaining. But one of the disadvantages with packing that early (for me) is… it gives me time to think and rethink about what I’m taking, what I do and don’t need… the case gets packed, emptied, packed again and emptied again!!!
“Shall I take these shoes or those shoes.. hell.. lets take both pairs… hmm.. gona need some boots… and flats.. will need my flats.. now … underwear… “… the list is ongoing… don’t even get me started on the Make-UP!!
By the time I go… I may as well be having a two week holiday the other side of the world! An outfit for every occasion … yes.. even a wedding.. I got married at Caister one year (it was annulled within 24 hours – sorry Foz!! LOL)… Us girls need to be ready for every eventuality!!! This year I’m doing it differently… 8 thongs, 3 bra’s, one pair of shorts, one pair of jeans, a pair of leggings, one denim skirt.. a few vests … one LBD and my fancy dress outfit… trainers, one pair of heels and one pair of pumps.. THAT’S IT… oh…. Um … hmmmm .. should I take my boots… ?? what if it gets really hot… bikini… or cold… Jumper… oh gawd… here we go… decisions decisions!!!
M’Lady has cut down on her luggage apparently this year – so she tells me…. She’s gone from 20 pairs of shoes to only 10…. Cant begin to imagine how many items of clothing she’ll be taking with her – she’s been shopping since February for this…. Let’s hope she get’s to wear them this time… Her and Sara were very poorly one Caister not so long ago, such a shame.… “achohol induced?” I hear you ask… NO… never.. Not Anne and Sara… never.. it’s all lies the rumours about this lethal punch or the cocktails that they make… rubbish… it’s fruit juice with a little alcohol flavouring… you know… the kind you get in rum truffles.. that kinda thing… They give it to people like a placebo … fools them into thinking they’re on the hard stuff!!! Hahahaha… yea right!!!
OK let’s tell you a little about the girls…
Anne is our sensible mother type figure… well… sensible may not be the word actually – she does have her “nutty moments” .. get your camera’s ready after the BBQ on the Sunday, M’Lady has a habit of shocking us all … I shall divulge no more… WHAT HAPPENS AT CAISTER STAYS AT CAISTER… (well only if the battery has gone flat on my camera!!!).
Sara is lovely, so inoffensive and lovely… until the alcohol kicks in and she starts doing her impression of Jennifer Hudson in the Caravan… I swear down.. you would never know it wasn’t the lady herself… but no.. it’s better.. it’s our Sara!!! Fantastic voice (just don’t let the soulprana join in – she knows who she is!!!)
The Roman and Martine… I don’t even want to begin to tell you what they might or might not be getting up to… Causing trouble somewhere no doubt… Although I will say… Martine is the one that feeds us!! Superb she is and so organised… she’s like a mum… you’ll get a phone call… come on back I’m dishing up… gotta love her!!!
I will say.. The Roman packs the lightest out of all of us… well… she doesn’t believe in underwear apparently (so One Shoe tells me).. so not having three days and nights worth.. would be a big space saving for her!!!
I’m travelling up with The Roman, Two Shoes Susan and Amanda this time… which could be dangerous… The Roman has a habit of force feeding me pink fizz in the back of the car.. and I’m not talking grapefruit fizzy aid… I’m talking Champa’s or Cava… it doesn’t matter with the Roman… if it’s fizzy, alcoholic and preferably pink… she’ll down it and insist on pouring it down my throat. Infact, if it’s alcoholic she’ll down it… best hide my pink nail varnish remover!!!
Now… Amanda and “one shoe”… Amanda I liken to myself… fun and sensible … knows when to have a laugh.. doesn’t EVER get into any trouble.. dances the night away and enjoys herself… well… she’s brunette… (Sara’s much the same.. just miss-led by M’Lady).. but ONE SHOE SUSAN.. she’s a different story completely…. Her name explains all.. Dolly named her that one Caister.. and every year since, we still find her, in the early hours of the morning… legs hanging out of various bushes all over the campsite… she swears she’s still looking for her lost shoe!!!
Whatever happens.. I know that this weekend will be “THE BEST CAISTER EVER”… it always is.. always has been and always will be…. We will dance, laugh, talk a load of ol’ tosh, have heart to hearts, catch up with old Soul friends from years gone by… meet new friends… and dance… and DANCE AND DANCE AND DANCE!!!! Who knows.. I might even venture to the swimming pool this year (it’s a nightmare trying to get a shower while the water’s still hot in our vans!!).
Well, that’s about it for this week’s blog. HERE’S TO A GREAT WEEKEND with my Sisters… I love ‘em all !!!